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Hi, I am Detra from Oklahoma. It’s great to know there are people out there who haven’t always been awake like myself I subscribed to the mainstream for 33 years. It was the year I had my world turned upside down and inside out. I literally had everything always work out for me in my life no matter what, with practically no effort. But now I get thrown test after test, almost weekly. As soon as I feel like I completed a challenge and start to take a breath another insane situation is put on my plate. I accepted these situations as being what is needed to grow. I believe some of us are put on a fast track to awakening. Love what you are doing and it’s nice to have a good bunch of people to relate to
The Steve Bannon / “Seinfeld” thing is an interesting key to me.
It clangs of cognitive dissonance on the “left” / “right” animal farm.
Meta-script that relationship / connection; and you’ll unravel the scripting of the Trump campaign.
Also, the latest developments with “Q” dissolving into the “sovereign citizen” movement; the latter a long time “honey pot” of infiltration, manipulation and even sponsorship by the FBI and other police organizations.
It also strikes me that the “Q” thing, and its fellow sectarians like “MAGA” or “Stop the Steal”, “Proud Boyz”, etc., at this stage, would have no problem embracing fakeology and enlisting in the #autohoax army.
Since there perfect consistency between the direction they are moving, and the inclination to instinctively suspect everything from Media as a psyop or deception.
We have only to unhitch them all from the Trump wagon, by deconstructing his role as Crisis Actor in Chief, Great Enabler and Vaxxer in Chief; delivering to the masses the next great global genetic engineering experiment in “Warp Speed” time.
Hi, JLB! I’ve tuned into your show here and there for a year or two now, and have always wondered weather or not you’d ever heard of the Pyrrhonists. They were an ancient Greek philosophical school that sought the suspension of all beliefs in order to achieve a state of tranquility they called ataraxia. I have always thought that your brand of skepticism very nearly approached this same line of thinking. Perhaps you are already well aware of the Pyrrhonists, but if you aren’t or want to know more I highly recommend Adrian Kuzminski’s “Pyrrhonism: How the Ancient Greeks Reinvented Buddhism”. It is a short but very dense book that might help you or anyone else here refine their thinking on the subject.
Here is a short excerpt to sum it up: “The Sceptical [Pyrrhonian] persuasion, then, is also called Investigative, from its activity in investigating and inquiring; Suspensive, from the feeling that comes about in the inquirer after the investigation; Aporetic, either from the fact that it puzzles over and investigates everything, or else from being at a loss whether to assert or deny . . . Scepticism is an ability to set out oppositions among things which appear and are thought of in any way at all, an ability which, because of the equipollence in the opposed objects and accounts, we come first to suspension of judgement and afterwards to tranquility.” I like their approach. Thought you might, too. Stay free, JLB!
Cheers from the Penguinati of IPS and welcome to the Dark Matter Digital Network! Looking forward to the continuing 37 Things discussions and more episodes.
Aloha JLB. I am a long term listener. Space, the final frontier, is the vast void of nothingness that puffs out dinosaur believers’ ball caps (as though the caps cover skulls enclosing functioning brains). Nevertheless, there is plenty to live for and a lot to be happy about. Thanks for reminding me of that many time recently. I have a tendency to slip the negative shades on, or live with them on, tinting my view of my surroundings in unhelpful ways. Shades on or off, this realm that we are in does contain a lot of untruths…misdirection…(false) beliefs. What we are told ‘is’ may actually not be so. What we are told ‘is not’ may actually be. A challange: I’d like to ask if JLB would mind giving some time to the Yowie/Bigfoot tales. This is one topic we are told ‘is’ and we are also told it ‘is not’. So, what is the truth of it, do you think? It is bound to be a mixed bag. Could there actually be something to this? The Australian Aborigines seem to indicate that there is something to it, as well as legends and (folk) stories from various places thoughout time. How about you start with 5 random videos of your choice on “Yowiehunters Witness Audio Reports” (https://www.youtube.com/user/YowieSightings/videos) to get started? Maybe some “Canam Missing Project” videos (https://www.youtube.com/user/canammissingproject/videos) too, just to see what you think about that, too. One thing is for certain, we don’t really know where we are, or why we are here, or what is here. But we like to think (as a species) that we have all of that sorted. Just look at our lab coats and glasses. And the fancy new ways we can fill up our day with important things to do. Cheers!
Hey John,
It’s Raz from Estonia. Just wanted to ask you a quick question about the idea of Human Potential.
Do you agree with this notion that we all have some sort of mystical unfulfilled potential we could tap into at any given time to become far greater than we are now?
Or do you think this may be just another tool of trickery to get us poor humans to feel and think lesser of ourselves?
I remember you touching on it once ever so slightly and am interested to see where you are now.
Alright man, be well!
JLB, have you ever read the fiction of Hugo Gernsback?
I’ve only read “Ralph 124C 41+” (‘one to foresee for one another’), which I bought years ago out of curiosity, because it’s famous for having anticipated several modern inventions.
The last time I read it, I was not considering the Tesla question. So I returned to it briefly today and compared it to Tesla’s writings from The Electrical Experimenter. They read quite similarly.
Consistency in style between Gernsback and Tesla might not prove the pseudo-Tesla theory outright, but it would certainly support your hypothesis. I thought I’d bring it up as a point of provocation, as I think it warrants further investigation and could lead to other clues.
Perhaps you can provide some insight into the matter?
Hey John,
Thanks for, in a nutshell, summarizing the oil hoax
I know I’ve seen an article from ZeroHedge that contained a shot of oil next to a large pool of water as if it were being manufactured
Fishy, yes but I too think it’a manufacturable
Tried to post this multiple times in response to your Youtube on Ultrasound over a 3 day period and within 15 seconds, the comment disappeared immediately before my eyes. Welcome to CV-AI.
Just wanted to say how brave you are for continuing to take on this disturbing sinister ritual and calling it out.
Not sure if you are aware of 3D and 4D Keepsake ultrasounds complete with live theater viewing for 20 plus family and friends. Souvenirs available for sale afterwards.
As you might not know, most physicians rely on incompetent techs to make their findings. The tech fills out a worksheet with their findings and the radiologist dictates their reports from that with many docs not even looking at the images. Sono is also extremely operator dependent and most techs are marginal, at best.
Stay away from all allopathic (and most naturopathic) medical institutions.
Health and illness originates in the mind with placebo and nocebo.
Kudos for calling out the naked emperor with no clothes.
best regards